Ward 3 Councillor, Pickering
Help Stop the Spread!
Wear a mask
Wash Your Hands
Stay Home if Sick
Follow provincial orders and public health guidelines
Get vaccinated
Stay Durham Strong and Pickering Proud
As of Wednesday, September 22, 2021, proof of vaccination will be required for all patrons attending Recreation Centres, Community Centres, Arenas, and indoor programming at the Pickering Museum Village.
Latest Updates
(Click each link to read)
Chronology of COVID-19 related news and updates * New and Updated *
Vaccination Verification System Required at City of Pickering Community Centres
City of Pickering Mandates COVID-19 Vaccination for Municipal Employees.
Please note that as local COVID-19 vaccine mass immunization clinics have closed down.
Pickering's last clinic date was Aug. 20 before the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex closed.
Durham Region Health Department is updating eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccine to include third doses for individuals most at-risk of serious illness from the virus. In addition, eligibility is being expanded to include all youth born in 2009, allowing youth that are turning 12 later in 2021 earlier opportunities to be vaccinated.
Visit durham.ca/CovidVaccines for details .
Pickering City Hall is open for in-person service. Staff also remain available to serve residents virtually during the regular business hours of Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Connect with us Monday to Friday (8:30 am - 4:30 pm) at 905.683.7575, customercare@pickering.ca, or pickering.ca/livechat.
July 20: Ontario is now at Step 3 of the Roadmap to Reopening.
The Ontario government moved into Step Two of its Roadmap to Reopen on June 30, 2021.
The Ontario government moved the province into Step One of its Roadmap to Reopen at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, June 11, 2021.
Durham Region Public Health and Vaccine Information
Information for Booking your Vaccine:
Vaccine appointments are booked online or by telephone through the following options:
1. Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex (Arena, back entrance). Visit durham.ca/vaccineappointment or call 1.888.444.5113
2. Oshawa Vaccination Centre - Visit covidvaccine.lh.ca or call 905.721.4828
Visit durham.ca/CovidVaccines for details on registration and other municipal clinic locations. Please note that although the province has launched a provincial COVID-19 online vaccination booking portal, area residents are to continue using the local booking systems to access local clinics.
See transportation options and a brief video on what to expect at a clinic.
Clinics are available by appointment only.
Visit durham.ca/CovidVaccines for details on municipal clinic locations and registration.
Please note that although the province has launched a provincial COVID-19 online vaccination booking portal, area residents are to continue using the local booking systems to access local clinics - read the Region of Durham's news release. What to expect at a clinic - watch video.
April 16: Ontario extends stay-at-home order and strengthens public health measures.
March 15: Please note that although the province has launched a provincial COVID-19 online vaccination booking portal, area residents are to continue using the local booking systems to access local clinics - read the Region of Durham's news release.
Durham Region Information about Availability and Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccines, March 1, 2021
Durham Region COVID-19 Updates, March 1, 2021
Health Department launches #RollUpYourSleevesDurham to provide COVID-19 vaccine for area residents: Beginning Monday, March 8 at 8 a.m., residents of Durham Region can begin registering for appointments to receive the COVID-19 vaccine—beginning with individuals over the age of 80—via an online booking system or a central telephone booking line.
Monday, March 8 at 8 a.m.: Online and phone registration is open to Durham residents over the age of 80 (born in 1941 or earlier).
Tuesday, March 9: Appointments begin at Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex in Clarington; or the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex in Pickering.
Individuals over the age of 80, born in 1941 or earlier, can begin registering through the online booking system at www.durham.ca/vaccineappointment on Monday, March 8 for appointments that start on Tuesday, March 9.
Clinics are available by appointment only. No walk-ins—those who show up at clinics without an appointment, will not be permitted to enter.
Durham Region Public Health & Vaccine Information
Get the latest COVID-19 information, resources, and updates from Durham Public Health.
View the COVID-19 Data Tracker, which shows the number of confirmed cases in Durham Region by status, municipality, age and gender. (Created and hosted by the Regional Municipality of Durham).
For information on the Vaccine Distribution Plan in Durham Region, click on this link https://www.pickering.ca/en/city-hall/c19-durham-region-public-health.aspx
Durham Region is in the Red-Control level of the COVID-19 Response Framework.
Beginning Monday, February 22, 2021, Pickering City Hall will reopen to the public for service by appointment only. In the meantime, staff remain available to serve residents virtually during the regular business hours of Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. To connect with the Department you are looking for and to find out if your service request can be completed online or over the phone, go to our City Directory.
In Durham Region, the Stay-at-Home order will continue to apply until Tuesday, February 16, 2021. Once lifted, the province will gradually transition each region from the shutdown measures to a revised and strengthened COVID-19 Response Framework.
February 12, 2021 - Ontario Returning 27 Public Health Regions to Strengthened COVID-19 Response Framework
Durham Region will be moving to the Red-Control level of the COVID-19 Response Framework on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 12:01 am and will no longer be subject to the Stay-at-Home order.
Ontario Declares Second Provincial Emergency to Address COVID-19 Crisis and Save Lives
Pickering is following the Ontario's stay-at-home order effective January 13.
Visit Ontario.ca to learn about the restrictions and public health and workplace safety measures.
Visit City of Pickering COVID-19 page: https://www.pickering.ca/en/city-hall/covid-19.aspx#
Special Instructions issued by Durham Region Medical Office of Health
For the current status of City of Pickering Facilities, visit
City of Pickering Enters Province-Wide Shutdown
Ontario to enter province lockdown on Christmas Eve, Government sources say
COVID-19 Resources, Durham Region
Durham Region is in the Red Zone - Control Phase of the provincial COVID-19 Response Framework.
Friday, November 20 - COVID-19 IMPORTANT MESSAGE from City of Pickering
UPDATE Friday, November 20 - Durham Region is in the Orange Zone - Restrict Phase Response Framework
UPDATED: What to Know About Getting a COVID-19 Test in Durham Region
Update #15 - Durham Regional Police COVID-19 Response, Monday, November 16
Durham Region Stats as of Friday, October 30
City of Pickering Opens Select City Facilities by Appointment Only
As of Monday, November 23, 2020, Pickering City Hall will be open for service by appointment only, and will not be accepting walk-in visitors.
We encourage residents to connect with staff in advance to see if their service can be completed online or over the phone.
Our Customer Care team can answer general inquiries or connect residents to the Department they’re looking to speak with.
pickering.ca/livechat (Monday - Friday from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm)
Health and safety expectations when visiting City facilities, along with a COVID-19 Self-Assessment, is available on the City’s website.
Visit pickering.ca/COVID19 for information.
Update #15 - Durham Regional Police COVID-19 Response
Monday, November 16, 2020
With the COVID-19 numbers continuing to rise across the province, residents are reminded to adhere to the rules around social gatherings in Ontario. Currently gatherings are limited to 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors. This includes outdoor spaces such as parks and school yards; students and guardians are reminded to head home after school pick-up and avoid large gatherings.
Police will be enforcing non-compliant gatherings in Durham Region and issuing tickets when necessary. Those found in violation could face a fine. Citizens can report a gathering of more than 10 people indoors, 25 people outdoors, or a non-compliant business by filling out a form on the Durham Regional Police website under Online Services - Community Concerns at
As a secondary option, citizens can call the DRPS non-emergency line at 1-888-579-1520, ext. 5802 and leave a message. The DRPS will endeavor to respond to these calls in a timely manner, however, our focus continues to be on emergency calls for service.
Since the pandemic began in mid-March 2020 there has been a significant decline in all crime categories compared with the same time period last year. Assaults and sexual assaults have seen the greatest decline among violent crime, while theft reports have experienced the greatest drop among property crimes. Collisions also saw a sharp decline. All areas began moving toward a normal range by late summer and continue to do so.
Earlier this month, DRPS issued its first ticket under the Quarantine Act after a resident of Pickering was found to be non-compliant with quarantine measures after returning from another country.
Since March, there have been approximately 3,211 calls for non-compliance issues related to COVID-19 (gatherings, non-compliant businesses etc.). Please continue to socially distance, avoid unnecessary gatherings and continue to wear a mask wherever they are mandated.
Following our last update on September 25, 2020, one more DRPS member tested positive for COVID-19, bringing the total number to 6; all have since recovered. A reminder that for the safety of all motorists, DRPS will be maintaining physical distancing and wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) when conducting roadside impaired investigations.
For the most up-to-date public information about COVID-19 in Durham Region, refer to https://www.durham.ca/en/health-and-wellness/novel-coronavirus-update.aspx
Citizens can contact Durham Public Health via email at health@durham.ca or or by phone at 1-800-841-2729 or 905-668-2020.The Region of Durham’s website has a comprehensive list of community services:
For information about supports for victims of crime, please visit https://victimservicesdurham.ca/
Youth who need support or assistance can use Kids Help Home by visiting https://kidshelpphone.ca/
Call the Stop the Spread Business Information Line at 1-888-444-3659 for clarification whether a situation falls under the non-compliance orders. Assistance is available Monday to Sunday, from 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. For more information visit: ontario.ca/stopthespread (https://www.ontario.ca/page/reopening-ontario-stages)
DRPS officers continue to patrol your communities to keep them safe and respond to emergencies as they arise. Like the rest of the community, we are practicing physical distancing and following personal protective protocols as required.
In emergencies, please call 9-1-1. If you want to contact us about a non-emergency, please call 1-888-579-1520. You can report less serious crimes on our website at https://members.drps.ca/internet_explorer/index.asp
Visit DRPS on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/OfficialDRPS
Visit DRPS on Twitter at https://twitter.com/DRPS
Visit DRPS on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/user/durhampolice1
The City of Pickering is taking all public health measures to mitigate risks to employees, residents, and customers.
The City of Pickering continues with the gradual, safe, and measured reopening of municipal facilities and restart of City services and programs. Beginning, July 13, 2020, select City facilities will reopen to the public by appointment only. Click on City Services & Facilities below for details.
For news and updates follow on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
On July 13, select City facilities will be opening to the public for limited service appointments as follows:
COVID-19 Update:
City of Pickering re-opens select City facilities by appointment only
Beginning July 13, 2020, select City facilities will open to the public for limited service appointments only. Walk-in visitors will not be granted access at this time.
We encourage you to connect with staff in advance to see if your service can be completed online or over the phone. Can't spot what you're looking for? Please call or use our live chat for general inquiries at 905.683.7575 (Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm).
Status of City Facilities:
Most City facilities remain closed to the public, with select locations opening for limited service appointments only, beginning July 13, 2020. Please check status below.
Pickering City Hall (open for appointments only)
Pickering Public Library(open for appointments only)
virtual services: picnet.org/digitalresources
curbside service: picnet.org/curbsideservice
Pickering Animal Shelter (open for appointments only)
Pickering Museum Village (visit our virtual museum village)
A visit to the Pickering Museum Village will be different this summer to keep our visitors and staff safe. We will be open only for pre-booked programs and tours, at this time there are no walk through visits. When you visit please feel free to wear a mask if that makes you feel comfortable. View the What's On page for program details.
Pickering Operations Centre (staffed, but closed to the public)
Brougham Hall (closed)
Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex & Arena (closed - Complex memberships will be extended for the full period that the facility is closed)
When the Region of Durham Board of Health issues a Heat Warning, this facility will be a designated Cooling Centre.
Don Beer Arena (closed)
Dunbarton Indoor Pool (closed)
East Shore Community Centre (closed)
George Ashe Community Centre & Library (closed)
West Shore Community Centre (closed)
Dr. Nelson F. Tomlinson Centre & Claremont Library Branch (closed)
Whitevale Community Centre (closed)
Whitevale Arts & Cultural Centre (closed)
Greenwood Community Centre (closed)
Mt. Zion Community Centre (closed)
To make an appointment to visit a City facility:
A friendly reminder that many services can be completed online and over the phone. If you can’t find what you’re looking for at pickering.ca, please call for general inquiries at 905.683.7575. In-person appointments can be scheduled for the following City Services. Please call to book yours.
Customer Care Centre – 905.683.7575
Clerk’s Office – 905.420.4611
By-law Services – 905.683.7575
The below applications can be accepted by email, payment drop off in drop box (located between Central Library and Pickering City Hall), and permits will be issued by email, mail, or by appointment for pickup.
Animal Shelter - 905.427.0093
City Development - 905.420.4617
General zoning and planning inquiries
Purchase of planning documents and zoning by-laws
Maps – viewing, other
Address requests
Committee of Adjustment inquiries
Submission of Committee of Adjustment applications (non-digital) and fees
Pick up of Committee of Adjustment Notice signs
Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review inquiries
Community cleanup supplies
Engineering Services - 905.420.4624
Fitness - 905.683.6582
Personal training services
Pickering Public Library – 905.831.6265
Use of designated public computers - view the latest details
What Health and Safety are expected when visiting City facilities:
Sign in with security at the front entrance.
Here, you will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and asked to delay your visit if you are experiencing any.
State your appointment time and reason (if you do not have a scheduled appointment, you will not be granted access to the facility. At this time, we are not accepting walk-ins.
Keep 2 metres (6 feet) between yourself and others.
Non-medical face masks are required (note, the City will not be providing masks, and we ask that you bring your own).
We ask you to use the hand sanitizer at the screening station, upon entry. Hand washing sinks and hand sanitizer dispensers are located throughout the building and we encourage frequent use.