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Brock Lands Restoration Plan


Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) acquired the former Brock North and South Landfill sites from the City of Toronto in January 2011. 


The 969 acres of land will be restored to become a public destination and support self-sustaining communities of native plants, fish and wildlife. These lands have the potential to provide recreational opportunities such as hiking, cross country skiing, angling and nature viewing experiences.


A Restoration Plan and Master Plan are being prepared for the site. Visit the TRCA website for more information.

Read more:  Brock Road Restoration Project, TRCA

Claremont Drainage Plan


The City of Pickering initiated the Claremont Drainage Plan in February 2017 in order to complete a comprehensive analysis of the drainage system, identify deficiencies and develop a comprehensive drainage management strategy for the central area of the Hamlet of Claremont.


The study will be conducted in accordance with Approach #2 for Master Plans, as outlined in the Municipal Engineers Association’s, Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) (October 2000, amended 2007, 2011 and 2015).


The Study is intended to address the first two phases of the Master Plan Class EA process.


Update - April 30, 2020 - As noted in the Notice of Study Status issued on November 29, 2019, the next step in the Claremont Drainage Plan was to prepare for a Public Information Centre, which was anticipated to be held in spring 2020. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, and in support of all levels of government’s efforts to curtail the spread of COVID-19, the City of Pickering has decided to suspend work on the Claremont Drainage Plan. As a result, the Public Information Centre is being postponed until an in-person public meeting can be held, which will give the public an opportunity to offer their comments and present any anecdotal observations of drainage issues to the Study team.

Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study


The City of Pickering has initiated an Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study.

The purpose of this Study is to provide direction for the preparation of appropriate Official Plan policies, zoning regulations and other implementation tools, and to develop design guidelines that will facilitate a sensitive transition between existing houses and new construction in the City’s established neighbourhoods in South Pickering.

Key Objectives:

The key objectives of this study are:

  1. To identify the City’s established neighbourhoods, or parts thereof, within the south Pickering Urban Area that may be susceptible to pressure for the development of infill and replacement housing.

  2. To identify and evaluate the unique qualities and characteristics of the City’s established neighbourhoods, or parts thereof, and the key issues regarding infill and replacement housing that are of concern to residents.

  3. To identify and/or develop tools the City can use, including Design Guidelines, that will allow neighbourhoods, or parts thereof, to evolve while respecting the character of the area.

  4. To provide an opportunity for full and meaningful engagement and consultation with residents, agencies and the development industry through the study process.

Infill N Replacemt Housing in Establishe

Map of South Urban Pickering Area

South Pickering Intensification Study, Phase 2
Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Study


About the Study

Canada is the fastest growing country in the G8.  The Greater Golden Horseshoe area will increase from 9 to 14 million persons over the next 25 years.  About 60-80% of that growth will be through immigration and 40-50% will be accommodated within existing urban areas.  Pickering will continue its transition of growth and intensification through infill and redevelopment.


Coordinated planning and design will be required to ensure the Kingston Road corridor can move and goods safely and efficiently, as well as continue to provide commercial and social services and facilities for the community.  The City of Pickering has retained a multi-disciplinary team of experienced professionals to undertake the study, led by SvN, bolstered by the firms AECOM and 360 Collective.  It will result in a new vision and strategy for intensification and redevelopment along the Kingston Road Corridor and within the Specialty Retaining Node.


Phase 1 of the South Pickering Intensification Study began in January 2015 with a community engagement exercise regarding how growth should occur in South Pickering. Key themes that emerged included focusing intensification and higher density development in the City Centre and along corridors such as Kingston Road, maintaining stable neighbourhoods, and creating vibrant, mixed-use, well designed, transit supportive communities. 


South Pickering Intensification Study Ki

Click to view a larger image of the map.

Phase 2 of the study concluded with the approval of the recommended intensification scenario by council, which focuses on the Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node. The Kingston Road Corridor runs from the Rouge Park National Urban Park in the west to Brock Road in the east, and generally includes only those properties that front on to Kingston Road. It also includes a number of properties on the north and south side of Kingston Road west and east of Brock Road. The Specialty Retailing Node is to the east of Brock Road and south of Kingston Road. Both of these Study Area components are shown on the map below.


Phase 3 of the study has now been concluded through the release of the Intensification Plan and Draft Urban Design Guidelines. These documents will be presented to the Planning & Development Committee of Council on December 2, 2019.

South Pickering Intensification Study Staff Report

Whitevale Master Drainage Plan


The City of Pickering has completed the Drainage Master Plan Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study to address the drainage system deficiencies which are contributing to localized surface flooding and erosion within the Hamlet of Whitevale (refer to Study Area shown the Key Map).


The study was conducted in accordance with the Master Plan process as outlined in the Municipal Engineers Association”s Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended in 2007 and 2011).

Whitevale Master Drainage Plan - Municipal Environment Assessment Report, Aecom

Pickering Sustainability

The City's award winning sustainability program has grown and evolved, but has remained grounded in 5 broad sustainability objectives:  Healthy Environment, Healthy Economy, Healthy Society, Responsible Development, and Responsible Consumption.

The focus of the Pickering Sustainability program is to make Pickering one of the most sustainable cities in Canada.

There are many activities and events where you can get involved to help make our lives and our community more sustainable. 


Stay up to date about programs and events by signing up for our seasonable newsletter with our sign up form.

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Brock Lands
Claremont Drainage
Establishened Neighbourhoods
S Pickering Intensification Study
Whitevale Drainage
Ward Boundary Review

The City is conducting a ward boundary review to ensure that residents receive fair representation at their local council table


The current ward structure has been in place for approximately 40 years with the exception of a minor change to the City’s ward boundaries in 2005.

The review will identify effective and equitable electoral arrangements for the 2022 municipal election and beyond, taking into account changes in the size and distribution of Pickering’s population since the present wards were established, as well as the City’s forecasted population growth.

Have your say.  Complete the survey.

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Ward Boundary
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