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Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study (continued)


Cities are in a constant state of change.  In Pickering, some of this change has been experienced in the more mature residential neighbourhoods, where people demolish and build, or renovate older houses.


Areas near the lake were initially developed with summer cottages that, over time, were converted to year-round residences.  Permanent residences were built along existing township roads such as Fairport Road, Rosebank Road and Woodview Avenue.  By the 1960s, Pickering’s first planned communities, Bay Ridges and West Shore, wre developed.  The following 30 years saw similar low-density residential neighbourhoods developed in most of South Pickering.


Similar to the experiences of other municipalities, the City’s established residential neighbourhoods have been experiencing change in the form of infill and replacement housing over the last several years.  New dwellings are being built that are sometimes two or three times taller and significantly larger than the existing houses in the neighbourhood.


To address this matter, the City commenced the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study in July 2018 in accordance with Report PLN 15-17.


On March 112, 2018, Council adopted City-initiated By-law 7610/18 (now in full force and effect), which implements a 9.0 metre height limit in the general provisions of the “R3” and “R4” zones in Zoning By-law 2511 (this applies to lands not already subject to a site specific amendment regulating building height) as per Report PLN 06-18.

Study Process, Reports & Documents:

The Study will be developed in three phases as described below: 

Phase 1

Existing Conditions and Preliminary Observations Report

Public Open House 1 - March 5, 2019 Slide Presentation

Planning & Development Committee Meeting - April 1, 2019

Phase 2

Planning Options – to identify gaps and opportunities in existing City policy, zoning and guidelines; evaluate strategies to regulate infill and replacement housing; and recommend a preferred strategy

Planning Options Report - Draft, October 2019

Public Open House 2 - October 29, 2019 Slide Presentation

Planning & Development Committee Meeting - January 13, 2020

Phase 3

Recommendations – to provide final draft Design Guidelines, and direction regarding other implementation tools that the City can use to review and consider future infill and replacement housing proposals

Electronic Public Open House 3 - August 11, 2020

You can watch a recording of the Public Open House 3 which includes the pre-recorded presentation on the City of Pickering’s YouTube channel:

Planning & Development Committee Meeting - September 14, 2020

Planning Recommendations Report, August 2020 (Phase 3 Report)

Infill N Replacemt Housing in Establishe
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